Design Principles | Task 3 : Design

05.03.2024 - 22.03.2024 Week 05 - Week 07
Tracy Angeline Tio / 0362222 / Bachelor of Design (Honors) in Creative Media
Design Principles / Taylor's University

On Week 5, Ms. Yip briefed us by do throwback to the last task which is task 1 and task 2. Our first step is to make a summary about design principles (gestalt theory, emphasis, balance, etc) and choosing one of the UNSDG goals. After that we need to find an artwork that related to the goals and observed it with 3 phase included which is Observation, Analysis and Interpretation.

Ms. Yip then gave us a few examples about previous students artworks and ask us to analysis together. for example, she asks us what design principles are found in the artwork. She also told us to include every progress starting from visual references, sketches until the coloring and final. We need to use our time properly to finish this task on time. 
MIB February 2024 :
3. TASK 3
After analyzing the design of your choice in Task 2, you will now produce a work of design, inspired/influenced by the one you had analyzed, or as a reaction to it. You should also apply your knowledge of design principles in your creation. 

You may use any medium and/or materials that are suitable to convey your visual message. Direct use of photographs is not permitted. Any work that is found plagiarized will result in an F grade for the overall module and the student will be subjected to the policies of the University concerning academic misconduct.

On this task, we need to :
- Recap of Task 3 Brief
- Visual Reference that Inspire us to create a design
- 3-5 Sketches
- Final Design (A4/JPEG)
- Rationale about the artwork (150-200 words)
- Lectures Feedback

Back to the task 1 and task 2, where I was choosing the UNSDG Goals Number 15 which is Life On Land.
Fig 3.1 Goals No 15 - Life on Land (Source : here ) Week 5 06/03/2024
Life on Land means that we need to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

Nowadays, there were so much news about war or even genocide as example like in Gaza, Ukraine and Russia, etc. There were used dangerous chemical as their weapon. Many building were crushed and especially the air also got contaminated on it.

Moreover, based on, Every year, 13 million hectares of forests are lost, while the persistent degradation of drylands has led to the desertification of 3.6 billion hectares, disproportionately affecting poor communities.

Since I'm looking forward on this goal, I want us to take an action to reduce the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity. Protect our global food and water security to gain the peace of our land.

On Task 1, we also got selected the artwork that had a related on the UNSDG Goal. Here is my chosen artwork :
Fig 3.2 Chosen Artwork related to SDG Goals No 15 : Life on Land. Week 05 06/03/2024
Details :
Title : The Earth Begin to Cry in a Profound Grief
Artist : Elena Skochkova (14)
Year : 2007
Medium : -
Size : -

Reason for Selecting the Artwork :
At first, I was really proud of the 14 years old artist that could paint such a good like professional. In my opinion, the paintings had a relatively on SDG Goals which is life on land. That’s why I chose it for my work. It is storytelling about comparison between the good and bad side of our life. If we cooperate to protect our land from pollution and loss, we could gain a peaceful land where we could live and breathe rather than the bottom side with the opposite meaning. All just crushed and broken because of us. This paintings had a strong meaning to warn us to protect our land.

The Design principles I found on these paintings are contrast, repetition, emphasis, movement, harmony & unity, balance and lastly gestalt theory.

Continue to the task 2, where I observed the artwork in more detailed part :
1. Observation
These painting and the story inside it were painted in portrait format. On the center of the painting, there was a hand "peeled away" the earth. On the top of the paintings, there was a pastel cloudy sky following the mountains and flower field. The bottom of the painting showed the piles of destroyed buildings and people standing there. On the left side, the soldier carried out the helpless child while on the right side there were two little girls and the one got bird in her hands. Many colors were used to create the paintings and the main color of it was brown, cream and pastel pink combined with yellow.

2. Analysis
There was contrast when we saw the full painting from top to bottom. From light colors to dark colors, vibrant color against the muted one of each other's. Contrast enhances the emotional impact of the artwork, emphasizing the depth of the Earth's sorrow. On the top of the paintings, there were a repetition in swirling clouds and building shapes in the middle and bottom painted using dark blue colors. The earth / globe is being whittled away on the center stand as a main point (emphasis) in conjunctions with the bird flying and pieces of piles were flown away (movement). The harmony of the paintings could be seen in the colors and the elements that fit together with the same stroke and art style. Gestalt theory inside of the painting is proximity (knife that related to cut or slicing the layer of earth), and the last principle is balance (left and hand right had same weight and colors). 

3. Interpretation
Fig 3.3 Example of Socialist Realism style Week 03 23/02/2024
These painting were painted by Elena Skochkova from Russian for entries in a competition which is Barbara Petchenik Children’s World Map Competition Entries by Children aged 13 to 16. The competition was held in 5-9 August 2007 in Moscow, Russia by International Cartographic Association (ICA). I found out that the paintings had a similar art style like a socialist realism (Figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2). Socialist Realism is a style of realism that rose to prominence around 1917 (early 20th century), after the political upheaval in Russia. Socialist realism is kind of famous in Russia especially in socialism and communism. “The Earth Begin to Cry in a Profound Grief” is not only about the artistic and the art style but also invites us to acknowledge the Earth's pain and to work towards healing and restoration, before it's too late.
In conclusion, on this task 3, I want to create an artwork that had related in Goal 15 Life on Land and had the design principles of the artwork I selected before, which is contrast, repetition, emphasis, movement, harmony and unity, balance and lastly gestalt theory.

1. Mood board
Firstly, I began by searching some reference that could be useful to gain some inspiration of my artwork. I plan to make it simple and eye catching.
Fig 3.4 Mood board Week 05 06/03/2024
Note : All of the images were available on the Pinterest.
Source :
2. Sketches
I made around 4 different sketches based on my visual references.
Fig 3.5 Sketch #1 Week 06 13/03/2024
The first sketch were inspired on image 1,2 and 3. I tried to made a comparison between good and bad land. On the top was the good side and the bottom were the bad side. I used isometric art style to filled up the mountain. Ms. Yip also gave me feedback that I could change the typography meanings to the something decisions like "it is our choice".
Fig 3.6 Sketch #2 Week 06 13/03/2024
These sketches were inspired by image 5 on moodboard. I tried it on a different angle. There were a peaceful land as the background and the umbrella act as a shield on a bad things that could ruin our land.
Fig 3.7 Sketch #3 Week 06 13/03/2024
Number 15 is the goal of life on land. I decorate it by adding good things on the number for example cycling, reuse, reduce, recycle (3R), plant something and good interaction with animals. These idea is not on my mood board. I just discover some picture in Pinterest and found this as my inspirations.
Fig 3.8 Inspiration of Sketch #3 (Source) Week 06 13/03/2024
Fig 3.9 Sketch #4 Week 06 13/03/2024
Sketch #4 had similarity on the sketch #2. I tried different angle on these sketches. It also had the same meaning which is to protect our good land by umbrella.

Out of 4 sketches, I prefer sketches #1 and #3 based on Ms. Yip feedback. She told me some of the main point of every sketches :
  • Sketch #1 : Good sketches. The road need to connected together from top to bottom. Kindly wrote some message of the illustrations on top.
  • Sketch #2 : Idea was interesting but it had opposite meaning because umbrella is used to protect something on the top. the bad things should not expressed like that.
  • Sketch #3 : Quite simple and Okay. The meaning could easily got.
  • Sketch #4 : Same like a sketch #2
I asked some of my relatives to choose between sketch #1 and #3. Some of them goes with the first one.
Fig 3.10 Chosen Sketch Week 06 13/03/2024
I fixed the first sketch and findings some visual references to clear my elements.
Fig 3.11 Mood board for Sketch #1 Week 07 20/03/2024
Source :
3. Digitization
I cleaned the sketches to make to the fixed final line art.
Fig 3.12 Line Art Progress Week 07 21/03/2024
Final Lineart :
Fig 3.13 Final Line Art Week 07 21/03/2024
Coloring Progress :
I tend to use the same palette color that i always had. I used blue and orange as the background because those two colors are contrast to each others.
Fig 3.14 Coloring Progress Week 07 24/03/2024
Before I added the font, I add some textures and color burn to make the color more vibrant.
Fig 3.16 Added Texture Week 08 25/03/2024
Adding Font :
I used Boutique Bitmap 9x9 on Ibis Paint for the font. It looks like a pixel game font and I think it suits my artwork.
Fig 3.17 Adding font Progress Week 08 25/03/2024

4. Final Result
Fig 3.18 Final Outcome (1) (JPEG) Week 08 25/03/2024
Tracy Angeline Tio_Choice_Task 3
Fig 3.19 Final Outcome (2) (JPEG) Week 08 25/03/2024
5. Rationale
Choice is an illustration that tells the two sides of land. There are good and bad things that could happen in the land. When making these illustrations, I got inspired by the recent analysis design on task 1 and 2. On the top side, these are good things to protect our land which are cleaning, planting, using public transportation, running, cycling and ruin a green eco architecture. While bad things had pollution, rubbish everywhere, deforestation, car crashes and damaged animals. Lastly, cities are flooding because of logging.

On this illustration, I want us to see and realize that our action for the land depends on us. If we keep being lazy, and do not want to clean our environment, in the end the land is going to be polluted and destroyed. On the other hand, if we protected our things and do good action, the land will have its peace.
(150 words)

The Design Principles I found on my artwork are :
  1. Gestalt Theory (Similarity) : the mountain on top and bottom
  2. Contrast : Background color between blue and orange
  3. Emphasis : Mountain and the filled on it.
  4. Balance : The house had same size
  5. Repetition : Sheep and the green architecture. 
  6. Movement : The car had moved and crashed on each other.
  7. Harmony & Unity : All elements connected together
  8. Symbol : 3R and Skull symbol on trash bin
  9. Word : The font on top
Fig 3.20 Design Principles Analysis Week 08 25/03/2024
Week 5
General Feedback : -
Specific Feedback : No feedback because I already finished the task 2 and just brainstorming about task 3.

Week 6
General Feedback : A reminder for everyone to show the progress to the lecture.
Specific Feedback : Ms. Yip gave a comment on every sketches I made :
  • Sketch #1 : Good sketches. The road need to connected together from top to bottom. Kindly wrote some message of the illustrations on top.
  • Sketch #2 : Idea was interesting but it had opposite meaning because umbrella is used to protect something on the top. the bad things should not expressed like that.
  • Sketch #3 : Quite simple and Okay. The meaning could easily got.
  • Sketch #4 : Same like a sketch #2.
Week 7
General Feedback : -
Specific Feedback : Need a bit of rush when doing the work because I'm still on the line art part. Ms. Yip told me to adjust the position a bit bottom when i want to add some text on the top of it.
These task had gave me a good experience where i could produce some artwork using my own style and skills. It also made me learn to create an artwork based on the visual references I searched. The artwork must have the purpose on it so I need to paid attention on the aesthetics and the message of it. 

I observed every references I used started from the elements and the colors. Basically, Land had a green color as the domain while the pollutions had a grey and pale colors. I used those colors and developed it with more colors. 

I discovered some new things when creating these artwork. A design should highlight the purpose or the message on it. Not only the beauty and the aesthetics, A good design could had motivated the person who saw it.


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