Major Project 1 | Task 2 : Design Proposition

25.02.2025 - 11.03.2025 Week 04 - Week 05
Tracy Angeline Tio / 0362222 / Bachelor of Design ( Honors ) in Creative Media
Major Project 1 / Taylor's University
No Lectures for this Task. View Previous Lecture on Task 1 : Proposal Development.

Design Proposition
On this project, Students are to carry on from proposal development and continue to develop the final proposal with a comprehensive design proposition. It shall contain the curation of the production process while demonstrating resourcefulness and creativity in effectively channeling and managing resources and potential risks to drive solutions in the complex and dynamic environments and/or contemporary real-world settings.

The design propositions need to be justified by the use of a variety of supporting evidence, making appropriate reference to information or analysis that significantly supports the points being made.

The Checklist for the Continuous Task are as stated below :
  • Interview User Insight
  • User Persona
  • User Journey Map

On this week, my group and I were focusing to create a user persona. From this task, I suddenly become a group leader too so I start to divide the user categories based on 4 types and start to give my group members to choose which want they want to create, along with the user journey map.
Fig 3.1 User Persona Categories Week 04 26/02/2025
Fig 3.2 Task Delegations for User Persona Week 04 26/02/2025 
Then all of us created our own user persona and then the user journey map, we refer to the template given by sir. User Journey map were progressed on the next week. Before they started, I designed a template for the user persona and as well updating the slides.
Fig 3.3 User Persona 1 by Ga Wai Week 04 27/02/2025
Fig 3.4 User Persona 2 by Marsya Week 04 27/02/2025
Fig 3.5 User Persona 3 by Velicia Week 04 27/02/2025
Fig 3.6 User Persona 4 by Me Week 04 27/02/2025
Once the persona was done, I felt like the research is not depth enough and looking from other group, they also have added more from what is instructed. Therefore, I plan to do a market research by browsing throught adoption / pet services app than analyze their pros and cons.
Fig 3.7 Market Research Introduction Week 04 26/02/2025
Firstly I do the analysis between social media app since most user from interview stated that they found the adoption information sources from it, especially on youtube, facebook or instagram and whatsapp.
Fig 3.8 Analysis for Social Media App Week 04 26/02/2025
After that, I do the analysis for specify pet app. Based on what I observed, these are the app that I found suit as our competitor :
  • Pet Finder
  • Adopt a Pet
  • Pet Backer
  • Benji 
  • We Rescue
Below are the pros and cons these app have :
Fig 3.9 Pros and Cons for each App Week 04 28/02/2025
Fig 3.10 Competitor Analysis based on Features Required Week 04 28/02/2025
Based on the analysis I did, we could know that our app had their own plus and minus for the features. Along with their minus number, Pet Backer and Benji have received positive feedback regarding on it's features since they could provide it well. View below for the analysis : 
  • Both Petfinder and Adopt a Pet do a great job attracting users to shelters and rescues using searchable databases. However, they do not allow real-time communication.
  • This is set into relief by what PetBacker chiefly does-in addition to pet adoption, it offers pet services like pet sitting and grooming, which makes it more versatile.
  • Benji offers a direct rehoming mechanism that allows people to directly self-list and adopt pets without necessarily going through shelters.
  • WeRescue extends an enhancement to this experience through custom search filters which will help prospective adopters find their desired kind of pet.
As for the end of this week, our task that needs to be done are user journey map and empathy map canvas for the next week.

On this week, as stated before, we focused the user journey map since Mr. Nedu had given us the template for the journey map. Below are our journey map based on the scenario from user persona. 
Fig 3.11 User Journey Map 1 by Ga Wai Week 05 04/03/2025
Fig 3.12 User Journey Map 2 by Marsya Week 05 04/03/2025
Fig 3.13 User Journey Map 3 by Velicia Week 05 04/03/2025
Fig 3.14 User Journey Map 4 by Me Week 05 04/03/2025
Next, I moved to designing the empathy map canvas. Firstly, I started to determine the user target and then fill it based on the question template given.
Fig 3.15 Empathy Map Canvas Done by Me Week 05 07/03/2025 
At the end, I updated and finalized my group proposal. Since we still have time before the deadlines, we start to do a discussion for task 3. 

Final Proposal Research Slides
Fig 3.16 Proposal Development Slides (Task 2) Week 05 11/03/2025

Final Figjam Board 
Fig 3.17 Group 6 Figjam Board Discussion Week 04 11/03/2025
Week 4
- For the user persona, you can add amount of the pet the user have.
- Journey map please refer to the template given.
- Information architecture can be created now but you don't need to submit it since it is for the next task.

Week 5
- For the user insight on the interview, please refer to the template given.
- The user persona and user journey is fine.
- For the final task, we don't need to finish all of the features, just initial stage only and can choosen between sketches or wireframe, not compulsory to do both.




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