Major Project 1 | Task 1 : Proposal Development
03.02.2025 - 25.02.2025 Week 01 - Week 03
Tracy Angeline Tio / 0362222 / Bachelor of Design ( Honors ) in Creative Media
Major Project 1 / Taylor's University
During tutorial and practical class, we chose idea 2 and 4 to be developed more in Figjam board. We presented the ideas to Dr. Chui and she likes both of our ideas, especially the Animal Adoption one. For the next step, she suggest us to reached out Mr Nedumaran (our supervisor that didn't come during tutorials) to gain a feedback.
After the consultation class on wednesday, I revised the timelines following the structure he gave to us in the Teams. Same goes well with the project development plan, I start creating one too.
After I done my part, I also took a part to create presentation slides as well. Most of the presentation slides were created by me and Marsya gave a help for the interview question part.
For the end of the week 2, we have finalized our Interview questions, add more HMW Statement since there was only 2 points and I have started to find my target for conduct the interview.
Each of us then created an Affinity diagram, separated by 5 different categories for each information in Figma. On the next day, Marsya then compiled all the affinity to gain an interview insight.
Then, I continue my task on the presentation slides part. I create an interview insight based on the compilation in a paragraph form. To finished this task, I also made a conclusion as a closing part.
We still got a times to review back all of the task and started the recording ASAP. Once we thought it's fine, we started to divide part for the recording session later. Marsya volunteered for the video editing later.
Final Proposal Research Docs
Major Project 1 / Taylor's University
LECTURES 1 ( WEEK 1 - Design Thinking Process in UI/UX )
The most common things in UI/UX is about the process on it. Based on Stanford School, The design thinking process consist of 5 things :
Focuses on understanding users’ needs, emotions, and experiences through research, interviews, and observations to gains an insights on the research problem.
2. Define
On this part, the insights from the empathize stage are synthesized to clearly articulate the problem. Define contains off user personas, role objectives, decisions, challenges, pain points.
3. Ideate
This stage is about brainstorming and articulation of several creative solutions. Designers think out of the box, challenge assumptions, and generate a wide ideas before narrowing to the prototype/products.
4. Prototype
The ideas later turned out into mockup, storyboard, or low fidelity prototype, etc. Keep it simple for this part and sometimes prototype fail fast and need to iterate quickly.
5. Test
Once the prototype is finished, the next step is to take it for a real-time test. Running through this step allows one to pinpoint problems and iron out the usability issues until the best usability of the product is met with the users.
NOTES : For major project 1, it covers only empathize, define and ideate only.
Proposal Development
On this project, Students are work in a group and need to conduct research on current technology and design trends that influences and benchmarks your area of specialization. Case studies with analysis reports on product/service functionality and effectiveness, technical innovations and challenges, aesthetics and design appreciation are required to support your new project proposal.
The Checklist for the Proposal are as stated below :
- Finalized Project Title
- Finalized Group Name
- Project Timeline
- Project Development Plan
- Identified Problem/Issue
- Project Aim
- Project Objectives
- Targeted Users
- How Might We (HMW) Statements
- User Interview Guide/Questions
- Proof of interviews with a minimum of 3 targeted users by each group member
- Affinity Diagram of user interview data, with recognized patterns of user insights
On the first week of the class, we were briefed about the introduction and the assesment guidelines. Our activity is to form a group of 4 members (recommended to have the same specialisations) and Dr. Chui explained to us regarding on the first task. We need to think about the problem/issue happened in the world and related it into UI/UX.
My group consist of 4 members as instructed and all of us come from UI/UX Specializations. Below are the group members name :
- Kong Ga Wai
- Marsya Arisa Binti Mahmud
- Tracy Angeline Tio
- Velicia Raquel Dewi Setiawan
After the group were formed, we started to discuss and give some ideas relevant to the modules. Images below are the ideas we created on docs.
Fig 3.1 Brainstorm Ideas Week 01 04/02/2025 |
Our Figjam Board :
Fig 3.3 Figjam Board for Discussion Week 01 05/02/2025
On 07/02/25, Marsya then meet up with Mr. Nedumaran and consulted our ideas to him. He said that we can move forward to finalize our ideas about pet one and do create an interview questions for next week.
Below are the finalized ideas and overview for Week 1 Progress :
Project title : Animal Adoption and Pet Care Application Services
Problem Statement :
According to the , Limited shelters present in Malaysia and the cost of living makes it difficult for these shelters to care for these animals. Moreover, A study by BMC Public Health states that 70.3% of participants in Malaysia believe that there is a lack of awareness in animal care. From this statement, we summarize these problem into a points of the problem statement :
- Many pets are left in shelters and gets put down due to the lack of space.
- Sometimes adopted animals are returned due to the lack of information on the pet such as their special needs.
- Majority of animals that are left unadopted are usually the older animals.
Project Aim & Objectives
This project aims to raise awareness about animal care, making information on adoption easy to access so that potential adopters can give a pet forever home and also alleviate overcrowding in shelters and returns, as it educates users on responsible pet ownership and particular needs of every animal.
- Encourage more people to adopt a pets / raise awareness in animal care.
- Find a forever home suitable for pets.
- Easy access to adoption information.
Targeted User :
Individuals who ever adopted a pet before, Pet Owners, People or family who are interested in adopting pets topics.
*The rest of the information can be found on Figjam Board, Slides, and Google Docs.
Through this week, we started to divided task for each others. Marsya took the Interview questions part, Ga Wai took the HMW Statement and Me, took the Project timelines and development plan as well.
For the project timelines, this is the look for the 1st attempt before receiving feedback from Mr. Nedumaran.
Fig 3.4 Project Timeline 1st Attempts Week 02 10/02/2025 |
Fig 3.6 Final Project Development Plan Week 02 14/02.2025 |
Fig 3.7 Proposal Slides Progress Week 02 15/02/2025 |
On this week, we worked quickly to start conduct the interview and finalized all points to be included in slides for final submission task 1. From 17-18th February, I have conducted interview for 3 users. The recording can be found on this link :
After we finished the interview, We then transcript our answer into docs. This help us to gain understand on what point we should include in the affinity diagram later.
Fig 3.8 Transcript Docs (Can be found on the Recording Link) Week 03 18/02/2025 |
Fig 3.9 Affinity Diagram Progress Week 03 19/02/2025 |
Fig 3.10 Slides Progress Week 03 19/02/2025 |
Final Proposal Research Docs
Fig 3.11 Research Document for Task 1 Week 04 25/02/2025
Final Proposal Research Slides
Fig 3.12 Proposal Development Slides (Task 1) Week 04 25/02/2025
Final Figjam Board
Fig 3.13 Group 6 Figjam Board Discussion Week 04 25/02/2025
Final Video Presentation
Fig 3.14 Final Video Presentation Week 04 25/02/2025
Week 1
- For the first ideas about animal adoption and care, Dr. Chui said that we can move to the next step since the explanation already clear. Things that need to be think about is that we have to make it unique from the competitors on this sectors.
- For the second ideas, she gave us example from others sleep app where there's a breath exercises, podcast, etc but we can't just copy these features.
Week 2
- For the project timeline, you can refer to the template I give you on teams chat.
- Please specify the target audiences more focusing on the people who have adopted before or considering it.
- Add 2 more HMW Statement since you only have two for now
- For the interview question, please try to talk more focusing on the app development criteria later.
- Don't forget to do your project development plan also, but overall all was okay, good job.
Week 3
- If you can't come to the physical session, please send an email to me for your submission and don't forget to submit it on the teams also.
- Major Project 1 | Task 1 : Proposal Development
- Major Project 1 | Task 2 : Design Proposition
- Major Project 1 | Final Task : Concept Presentation
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